Negotiation Power
Get more from every negotiation at work.
“In a negotiation, it is wise not to take anything personally. If you leave personalities out of it, you will always be able to see opportunities more objectively.”
Every day you encounter situations where you need to negotiate. Perhaps it’s the negotiation on the purchase of equipment, getting a customer agree to your offer, close a sale, or ask colleagues to help you on a project.
Understanding how to negotiate successful outcomes more often will bring you greater personal success and help you perform your job even better.
The half-day Negotiation Power training teaches you the principles of win-win outcomes – by learning the repeatable strategies for preparing and conducting negotiations. During the course you’ll be shown the 4-stage negotiation framework to identify your own interests and understand what your counterpart might need in order to say “yes”. Finally, you’ll unpack the four negotiation stages, including: (1) preparation, (2) probing, (3) proposing and (4) pack-up. If you negotiate at work, you’ll love what you’re going to learn during this practical training session.
- Principle versus Positional negotiating.
- How to develop a plan to prepare for any negotiation.
- The behaviours to adapt during every stage of the negotiation.
- The secrets to offering concessions and asking for reciprocity.
Morning Session
- What do you need to negotiate?
- Take the negotiation assessment.
- Why learn to become an more effective negotiator?
- What are the possible outcomes
from any negotiation. - Negotiation case studies
- Identifying the five major negotiating styles.
- What style of negotiator are you?
- Learning the pitfalls and benefits of each negotiating style.
- Meet the Shark, the Owl, the Teddy Bear, the Turtle, and the Fox
- Identifying the preferred negotiating styles of your counterparts.
- Understanding the difference between principled versus positional negotiating.
Afternoon Session
- The 4 step negotiation process: Prepare. Probe. Propose. Pack up.
- What do you want from the negotiation?
- Understanding your interests.
- Setting upper and lower limits
- Establishing your BATNA.
- The triple constraints.
- Laying the groundwork.
- Setting the time and place.
- Establishing common ground.
- Getting off on the right foot.
- What to share and what to keep to yourself.
- Discussing areas of mutual gain.
- Three ways to help others see your options.
- What do they want and what do we want?
- Building an agreement.
- Getting to “yes”.