Developing Your Personal Assertiveness
“It is a mistake to look at someone who is self-assertive and say, ‘It is easy for her. She has good self-esteem.’ One of the ways you build self-esteem is by being assertive when it is not easy to do so. There are always times when self-assertiveness requires courage, no matter how high your self-esteem is.”
How many times have you wanted to express yourself more clearly but felt you couldn’t. In today’s workplaces, assertiveness is one of the most effective communication methods for building better relationships and honestly conveying your thoughts and feelings. After all, any relationship built on respect and assertiveness is usually one built on openness and trust.
This half-day program shows you what assertiveness really means, and how it differs from being passive or aggressive. During the course, we’ll outline specific techniques you can use to respond to challenging situations and when you are around “difficult people.” You will learn to speak up, and discover new communication tools that will help you command greater respect. By the end of the training, you willll feel more in control of handling almost any situation at work or at home without being a passive wallflower, or being seen as an aggressive “shark.”
- Distinguish passive, assertive, and aggressive behaviours.
- Identify your assertiveness style preferences.
- Learn how to use verbal and nonverbal communication.
- How to cope with people who use aggression or bullying to try and get their way.
Morning Session
- What is assertiveness and why do you need it at work and your personal life?
- The payoffs for being assertive.
- How do you think others see you?
- The four general types of communication: – Passive – Aggressive – Passive-Aggressive and Assertive (communication and behaviour.)
- The link between communication styles and self-esteem.DISC Profile debrief (based on online assessment).
- Going deeper. Understanding your behavioural style and how your behavioural style impacts the way you see the world and connect and communicate with yourself and others.
- Developing assertiveness using voice, speech and body language.
Afternoon Session
- Make assertive requests and comments on the phone, by email and in meetings.
- Use “I” statements to share your thoughts and feelings.
- Say “no” without feeling guilty.
- Practical ways to develop and build your self confidence and self-esteem.
- Understanding why conflicts occur.
- Simple ways to change how you see challenging people and certain workplace situations.
- The difference between What do people who are angry or just plan “unreasonable” want from you?
- Resolve disagreements and conflict quickly confidently.
- and, to learn what conversational barriers best to use and what best to avoid